Our Frozen Dishes

Thai Pa Naeng with chicken breast

Ingredients: 31% chicken (chicken breast, table salt), 27% cooked potato (potato, water, salt), vegetable coconut sauce (coconut milk, water, paprika, white cabbage, corn, SOYBEANS, CASHEW NUCES, spices, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, table salt, rice starch, basil, lime leaves), 16% broccoli.

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Red curry with chicken breast

Ingredients: 32% chicken (chicken breast, table salt), 27% steamed rice (water, rice, extra virgin olive oil), curry sauce (coconut milk, water, onions, coconut paste, extra virgin olive oil, chilli, garlic, shallots, kaffir lime peel, galangal, herbs, spices, rice starch, table salt), 18% vegetables in variable proportions (French beans, mung beans, peppers,) extra virgin olive oil, table salt.

Properties: Gluten-free, Lactose-free

Pumpkin-sweet potato-lentil curry

Ingredients: 65% vegetable curry (coconut milk, sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, lentils, onions, extra virgin olive oil, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, table salt, curry leaves, rapeseed oil, spices, water, rice starch), 27% cooked basmati rice (water, rice, extra virgin olive oil, coriander), broccoli.

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Coconut chilli lemongrass sauce with chicken

Ingredients: 31% chicken ( chicken breast, table salt), 29% steamed rice (water, rice, extra virgin olive oil, turmeric), coconut-chili sauce (coconut milk, water, onions, extra virgin olive oil, chili, garlic, lemongrass, rice starch, coriander, table salt), 18% broccoli.

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Indian chickpea masala

Ingredients: 60 % chickpea masala (tomatoes, water, chickpeas, onions, SHEEP, tomato paste, extra virgin olive oil, rice starch, spices (with mustard), ginger, garlic, table salt, green chillies, fenugreek leaves), 31 % cooked basmati rice with ALMOND (water, rice, ALMOND, sunflower oil, ginger, garlic, table salt, saffron), spinach.

Properties: Gluten-free, Vegetarian

Yellow curry with chicken breast

Ingredients: 331% chicken (chicken breast, table salt), 27% cauliflower quinoa vegetable mix (cauliflower, quinoa white, broccoli, water, rapeseed oil, quinoa red, herbs, table salt), Thai sauce (coconut milk, water, SAHNE, onions, extra virgin olive oil, chilli, shallots, garlic, spices, rice starch, cooking salt, lime juice concentrate), 18% vegetables in variable proportions (French beans, mung beans, peppers), extra virgin olive oil, cooking salt.

Properties: Gluten free

Chicken with vegetables and white cheese

Ingredients: Chicken breast (chicken meat, salt), tomatoes, green soybeans, white cheese, peppers, aubergine, tomato paste, onion, olive oil, garlic, cooking salt, starch, sunflower oil, herbs, spices.

Properties: Gluten-free, Lactose-free

Chicken with mushroom ragout and cheese au gratin

Ingredients: Chicken breast pieces (chicken meat, salt), broccoli, mushrooms, cream, shii-take mushrooms, paprika, onion, hard cheese, olive oil, starch, tomato paste, table salt, herbs, spices.

Properties: Gluten free

Chicken with soybean-artichoke mix

Ingredients: Chicken breast (chicken meat, salt), paprika, green soybeans, artichokes, water, cream, hard cheese, olive oil, pine nuts, table salt, starch, herbs, spices.

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Salmon with pumpkin puree

Ingredients: Salmon (salmon, rapeseed oil, table salt, pepper), celeriac, broccoli, pumpkin, spinach-almond crust (spinach, almond, butter, tomato semi-dried, hard cheese, table salt, lemon zest, spices, cream, butter, pumpkin seeds, potato flakes, starch, table salt, spices.

Properties: Gluten free

Red chicken curry

Ingredients: Chicken breast (chicken meat, salt), cauliflower, coconut milk (coconut extract, water), French beans, green soybeans, paprika, water, sunflower seeds, onion, coconut cream, olive oil, almonds, table salt, starch, garlic, herbs, spices.

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Tuna salad with cauliflower

Ingredients: Tuna salad (tuna, green soybeans, sour cream, kidney beans, paprika, onion, olive oil, table salt, apple cider vinegar, spices), cauliflower, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, almonds, olive oil, spices. 

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Beluga Lentil Rice Pan

Ingredients: Basmati rice 29% (water, rice), Beluga lentils 16% (water, Beluga lentils), water, spinach 9%, peas 7%, coconut milk (coconut extract, water), tomato paste, ALMONDS, pine nuts, onions, extra virgin olive oil, ginger, garlic, salt, starch, chilli, herbs, spices.

Properties: Vegan, Lactose-free, Gluten-free

Bulgur with Lentil Spinach Vegetables & Butter Beans

Ingredients: BULGUR 24% (water, WHEAT), vegetables in variable proportions 17% (beetroot, aubergine, spinach), lentils 13% (water, lentils), beans 13% (water, beans), tomatoes, coconut milk (coconut extract, water), olive oil, sunflower oil, onions, apricots, salt, starch, herbs, tomato puree, garlic, rice flour, lemon juice concentrate, spices, chilli

Properties: Vegan, Lactose-free

Couscous-Lentil Pan with Okra

Ingredients: Cous Cous 28% (water, HARDWHEAT GRAIN), Lentils 11% (water, red lentils), Okra 9%, Tomatoes, Coconut Milk (coconut extract, water), Orange Juice from orange juice concentrate, Sultanas, ALMONDS, PISTAZIA, GREEN SOYBEANS, peppers, onions, extra virgin olive oil, WALNUTS, sunflower oil, coconut cream, tomato paste, garlic, table salt, chilli, herbs, spices.

Properties: Vegan, Lactose-free

Peru Bowl with soy bolognese and succotash

Ingredients: Rice-cereal mix 32% (water, rice, DINKEL, OATS, BARLEY, wild rice, WHEAT, RYE), tomatoes 19%, vegetables in variable proportions 15% (maize, peas, peppers), water, soya protein 4%, green soya beans, sunflower oil, onions, kidney beans (water, kidney beans, table salt), extra virgin olive oil, table salt, tomato paste, garlic, starch, chilli, herbs, spices.

Properties: Vegan, Lactose-free

Vegan chickpea masala

Ingredients: Couscous 31% (water, HARDWHEAT GRAIN), chickpeas 16% (water, chickpeas), coconut milk (coconut extract, water), tomatoes, vegetables in variable proportions (green SOYBEANS, aubergines, courgettes), onions, extra virgin olive oil, CASHEW NUTS, garlic, ginger, chilli, salt, herbs, spices (with mustard), lemon juice concentrate, modified starch, sunflower oil.

Properties: Lactose-free, Vegan

Vegan pumpkin curry

Ingredients: Vegetables in variable proportions by weight 29% (sweet potato, pumpkin 19%, spinach, green SOYBEANS, broccoli, onions), basmati rice 21% (water, rice), coconut milk 18% (coconut extract, water), beluga lentils (water, lentils), extra virgin olive oil, tomato, CASHEWN NUTS, cooking salt, sunflower seeds, garlic, ginger, starch, herbs, spices, amaranth, chilli.

Properties: Lactose-free, Gluten-free, Vegan

chicken breast, wholemeal noodles, zucchini

Ingredients dish: chicken breast, wholemeal pasta, courgette, olive oil, salt, pepper

Ingredients sauce: tomatoes, peppers, water, onions, pepper, salt

Properties: Lactose free

chicken breast, rice, broccoli

Ingredients dish: rice, chicken breast, broccoli, olive oil, salt, pepper

Ingredients sauce: yoghurt, tomatoes, onions, curry, salt, pepper, chili

Properties: Muscle building, Gluten-free

Salmon, wholemeal pasta, zucchini

Ingredients dish: salmon, wholemeal pasta, courgette, olive oil, salt, pepper

Ingredients sauce: Sour cream, water, mustard seeds, spirit vinegar, chives, salt, pepper

Properties: Pesco vegetarian

minced beef, rice, broccoli

Ingredients dish: rice, minced beef, broccoli, olive oil, salt, pepper

Ingredients sauce: tomatoes, peppers, onions, salt, pepper

Properties: Gluten-free, Lactose-free, Paleo

minced beef, sweet potatoes, broccoli

Ingredients dish: sweet potatoes, minced beef, broccoli, olive oil, salt, pepper

Ingredients sauce: tomatoes, peppers, onions, salt, pepper

Properties: Gluten-free, Lactose-free, Paleo

Red lentils, rice, green beans

Ingredients dish: Red lentils, rice, green beans, olive oil, salt, pepper

Ingredients sauce: yoghurt, tomatoes, onions, curry, salt, pepper, chili

Properties: Gluten-free, Vegetarian