Super Food - Super healthy and usually also super expensive. Is it worth buying or even eating these foods? That's what we want to clarify in this article. Of the many super foods that can now be found in supermarkets, we have chosen turmeric, edamame, lentils and cashews. We will examine the foods for the following points:
- Where do they come from?
- What do they do in our bodies?
- How much do they cost and are they worth the money?

The orange powder is extracted from a root that looks similar to ginger. Turmeric originally comes from India. There, it is not only used as a spice, but also to dye clothes and the like. It has also been used in Indian medicine, Ayurveda, for centuries.
Turmeric is rich in antioxidants and therefore very healthy. The root is said to be able to prevent cancer or stop the growth of tumours. For everyday life, however, it is probably enough that the orange powder stimulates digestion, relieves heartburn and lowers cholesterol levels. If you buy turmeric in capsule form, the prices vary greatly. They range from 15 to 30 euros. The prices for the pure spice look different: 2 to 17 euros can be paid here.
Conclusion: Turmeric has a lot to offer the body, tastes good and also beautifies the food. We can understand if someone finds the capsules too expensive. Therefore, we would recommend taking them regularly with food.

Small and green is the super bean. It comes from Asia and is also often called soybean.
Vegetarians and vegans can hardly imagine life without it, as it is rich in protein. It also contains a lot of fibre and therefore keeps you full longer. Furthermore, they are good for the bones and the entire body due to iron, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium and zinc. In the Asian market, you can get a kilo for around 5 euros. So this super food is actually not expensive at all.
Conclusion: If you like beans, want to increase your protein intake or simply want to do something good for your body, it's best to go straight to the nearest supermarket and pick up a pack of the green gnashers. But it is not a must-have in the kitchen.

The lentil comes from Central Asia, where it has been cultivated for over 8,000 years. Today, it has also arrived in Europe and it is hard to imagine life without it.
Lentils provide the body with a lot of zinc and iron, as well as proteins. Zinc and iron are good for skin and hair. The little miracle scars are also rich in vitamin B. If you don't know the benefits of this vitamin yet, feel free to check out our blog post on water-soluble vitamins. Lentils can also have a positive effect on vision and strengthen our immune system at the same time. You can get a kilo of lentils for just a few euros.
Conclusion: No matter what colour the lentils are, it is undisputed that they are good for the body and beneficial for health. They can be prepared optimally in meals with various spices, such as turmeric, and taste delicious. The low price makes them a basic that everyone should have in the kitchen.

The cashew originated in Brazil, where it was underestimated for a long time. For a few centuries, the tree has also been found in Asian and African countries.
Like edamame or lentils, cashews are important sources of protein. They also provide the body with magnesium, which supports the energy metabolism and can help with cramping muscles. They also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Tryptophan has an antidepressant, mood-lifting and sleep-promoting effect. The prices here are somewhat higher. Depending on the supplier, you pay 16 to 38 euros for a kilo.
Conclusion: Cashews are without question healthy for the body. It can be used as a small snack or as a topping for dishes. However, the prices are relatively high. If you are looking for a vegetable protein, you can easily fall back on cheaper alternatives.
Our Super Food recommendations
As you know, our dishes are super freshly prepared. However, they should not only look super delicious, but they should also contain super ingredients. That's why most of our products contain not just one, but two of the super ingredients. So if you don't want to buy a whole pack of turmeric, you can follow our recommendations and try our dishes. Enjoy your meal!
Thai Pa Naeng with chicken breast
Couscous-Lentil Pan with Okra
Coconut chilli lemongrass sauce with chicken breast
This dish not only contains the protein-rich soybeans (edamame), but also crunchy cashews. These round off the taste experience and give the meal a certain touch.
Couscous-Lentil Pan with Okra
As the name suggests, this dish presents lentils in their best form. Well-seasoned, vegan and with a little something extra: a portion of edamame. This is how you treat your body to only the best.