Protein powder

Athletes know it: After the training session, the protein shake is the automatic choice. This is supposed to facilitate and accelerate muscle growth. But is the powder or protein bar really necessary? To cut a long story short: No, if you make sure that you get enough protein in your normal diet. 

Why are there so many protein products?

The words "high-protein" have been earning a lot of money for a few years now. This is because the younger generations have a great awareness of sport and nutrition. Many regularly go to the gym or do other sports to keep fit. When a chocolate pudding comes on the market that is supposed to contain a lot of protein, it hits the nerve of the time. 

But not every high-protein product contains more protein than comparable products without the label. But because high-protein is so trendy, companies can charge a much higher price for protein puddings & co. without necessarily having higher manufacturing costs.

Protein products are therefore very popular with the buyer as well as the seller.

Bypass protein powder & co

If you make sure that your three meals a day contain a good amount of protein, it is absolutely not necessary to consume protein shakes or bars. These are usually not only overpriced, but also not as healthy as they sometimes seem. 

To integrate enough protein into your diet, you can rely on pulses such as lentils. They are plant-based, have a large amount of protein and are therefore also very popular with vegan athletes. Other popular sources of protein are oatmeal, eggs, soybeans, chickpeas and nuts.

Generally speaking, you don't necessarily need protein powder in everyday life. However, an extra portion of protein can never hurt. That's why we recommend drinking a protein shake every now and then, but only if your goal is to build muscle or if your daily diet doesn't provide enough protein.


Our recommendations

Chicken with vegetables and white cheese
Healthy aubergine casserole

Chicken with vegetables and white cheese

Aubergine casserole

Depending on your height and weight, you can eat half of your daily protein requirement with this dish. The chicken with vegetables and white cheese contains an incredible 59 g of protein. That is about as much as in two protein shakes.

A casserole that tastes like it was cooked by your mum herself. The perfectly balanced ingredients make a complete meal with 45 g of protein. The best meal for every athlete.

Aubergine casserole

A casserole that tastes like it was cooked by your mum herself. The perfectly balanced ingredients make a complete meal with 45 g of protein. The best meal for every athlete.